If you have been developing content, you might have considered using guest blogging as part of your strategy. For those who are not familiar with it – guest blogging is when you write a post for a blog that is not your own or when you feature another writer’s content on your blog. Let us look at how you can make the most out of guest blogging.
Define Your Guest Blogging Goals
Before you get started, be clear about what you want to reach with your guest blogging. Generally, there are three main goals for guest blogging, including:
Exposing your brand to a new audience
Establishing yourself as an authority within your industry
Building meaningful relationships with other bloggers
With the right blog posts, it is possible to achieve all of these goals. If you are aiming for either the first or second goal, you will want to reach out to blogs who have a lot of engaged subscribers. Or, choose a guest post that will complement your expertise.
If you are looking to accomplish the third goal, you need to create content that follows all the guidelines set by the blog owner. On the other hand, pick guest posts that stick to your own guidelines.
Remember that guest blogging is a two-way street. Whatever goal you create, it should work both ways. Make sure you understand what you want to get out of the guest blogging experience.
Spend Time on Research
Research is vital in guest blogging. On that note, seek writers within your niche and market but not exactly direct competitors. You will want to dig into their background and check whether they come from a reputable business. It is also essential that your values and personal interests match their tone of voice and style of writing.
A few questions you might need to ask yourself are:
Does the blog have engaged readership? Are subscribers commenting and sharing the posts on other channels?
Is the blog owner active on social media? How often do they share posts?
Have they published content in my industry? And if they have, then find out whether their audience has shown interest.
So if, for example, you are selling gardening tools, you will want to connect with gardening or landscaping services blogs with a solid number of actively engaged readers, or gardeners to be specific.
Produce the Right Content
To be a successful guest blogger you must craft content that is not only relevant but also targets your niche. Consider these criteria for measuring the quality of your content:
It should highlight your expertise
It should be free of grammatical errors and typos.
It should include an optimized link that points back to your own site and to other credible sources.
It should follow the blog owner’s guidelines for submissions.
At the end of your post (if the site allows it), provide a brief and attention-grabbing bio and a link to your blog.
Quick Guest Blogging Tips
Whether you are writing guest posts or accepting them, it’s important to keep the following things in mind:
Go for Quality
During the research stage, take advantage of tools like the Moz Bar. This is so you could easily find blogs you want to target. When you are accepting submissions, take time to read through the content and examine the author’s links. You will not want to accept a post that contains errors and spammy links. What you will want is a carefully crafted content that is relevant to your readers and fits your blog’s purpose.
Take it Slow
Building relationships with reputable bloggers takes time and effort. Not to mention the process you have to undergo to find the most credible bloggers within your market. Once your post has gone live, leave thoughtful comments in the comments section or respond to questions. This way you demonstrate your knowledge of the subject matter and show your support.
Keep Your Standards High
As much as possible, don’t associate your brand or your blog with another site that is below your standards. Never connect with a blog just for the sake of building links. For your own reputation, don’t put your work on unreliable sites and don’t publish posts that will damage your credibility. Take note, guest blogging should make you look good and improve your brand, not cause harm to it.
Are you ready to become a guest blogger? Let’s have a conversation about how you can make the most of it.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is guest blogging?
Guest blogging is writing posts for other blogs or having someone write for yours. It helps grow your audience, build your authority, and connect with other bloggers.
What should my goals be for guest blogging?
Your goals could be getting more exposure, becoming an expert in your field, or building relationships with other bloggers. Choose blogs that align with these goals.
How do I find the right blogs for guest blogging?
Look for blogs in your niche with engaged readers, an active social media presence, and content related to your industry. Make sure their style matches yours.
What content should I write for guest blogging?
Write content that shows your expertise, is error-free, includes links to your site and reliable sources, and follows the blog’s guidelines. Add a short bio with a link to your blog if allowed.
What should I look for when accepting guest posts?
Only accept high-quality posts that fit your blog, are relevant, and don’t contain errors or spammy links. Make sure the content aligns with your blog’s purpose.