Reasons Why Marketing Is Vital, Especially During a Recession

Marketing is often seen as an optional expense for businesses, especially during a recession. However, the truth is that it is a must-have for businesses to survive and thrive during challenging economic times. In this blog post, we outlined the reasons why marketing is essential during a recession and how it can help your business […]

The Benefits of Content Marketing for Your Brand

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You probably have heard that “content is king”. But, are you maximizing your content as part of your digital marketing strategy? Content marketing is one of the most practical, effective and useful marketing strategies in this digital age. In today’s post, we compile the top benefits of content marketing and the ways it can do wonders for your brand when done right. Top Benefits […]

A Starter Guide for Using SEO to Improve Your Content Campaign

A Starter Guide for Using SEO to Improve Your Content Campaign

We already know that search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool for content marketers. As Andy Betts, CMO Advisor and Content Evangelist from BrightEdge, said “SEO, alone, is not enough to guarantee success. Content marketing, alone, is not enough to guarantee success. Together, they build a better customer experience. There’s a massive opportunity for people who […]

6 Good Reasons You Should be Guest Blogging

6 Good Reasons You Should be Guest Blogging

You might be wondering what value you can get out of guest blogging. Is it really worth your time and effort? When done correctly, guest blogging is an incredibly powerful tool in your overall content marketing strategy. Here’s why. Six Reasons to Start Guest Blogging Now Earn Brand Recognition As more readers within your niche start noticing […]

Four Easy Ways to Create Great Headlines Your Readers Can’t Resist

Four Easy Ways to Create Great Headlines Your Readers Can't Resist

In a world full of noise, how do you rise above it? How do you get people to read your content? It begins by creating great headlines. Whether it is a blog post, an eBook or an email, a strong title gets your readers to pause, read and share your content. As the famous advertising […]

Choosing the Best Length of Content for Your Website: Short-Form Vs Long-Form

Choosing the Best Length of Content for Your Website: Short-Form Vs Long-Form 

How long should your content be? That is probably one of the most common questions content writers come across. Technically, a 400-word article is enough for it to be indexed by Google. However, adding a lot more words can amplify your content, educate your readers more deeply, position your brand as a thought leader, and […]