Reasons Why Marketing Is Vital, Especially During a Recession

Marketing is often seen as an optional expense for businesses, especially during a recession. However, the truth is that it is a must-have for businesses to survive and thrive during challenging economic times. In this blog post, we outlined the reasons why marketing is essential during a recession and how it can help your business […]

6 Good Reasons You Should be Guest Blogging

6 Good Reasons You Should be Guest Blogging

You might be wondering what value you can get out of guest blogging. Is it really worth your time and effort? When done correctly, guest blogging is an incredibly powerful tool in your overall content marketing strategy. Here’s why. Six Reasons to Start Guest Blogging Now Earn Brand Recognition As more readers within your niche start noticing […]

How Do I Make My Content Engaging?

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For the most part, content marketing must aim to create engaging content that converts. You already know that content comes in all shapes, sizes and topics. The great ones captivate, educate, and inspire. Three content qualities that are worth seeking – whether you are creating content for your email campaigns, landing pages, social media posts, etc. After all, effective content marketing means producing pieces of […]

Four Main Elements of a Good Editorial Calendar

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Content marketing is a long-term strategy to captivate, convert, and retain customers. It can be difficult to keep a long-term strategy running smoothly without tools to manage it all. And one of the most powerful tools you can use is the editorial calendar. Whether you are developing content for your landing page, an infographic for your blog, or a hot topic on Facebook, an […]

How to Use Guest Blogging as Part of Your Content Strategy

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If you have been developing content, you might have considered using guest blogging as part of your strategy. For those who are not familiar with it – guest blogging is when you write a post for a blog that is not your own or when you feature another writer’s content on your blog. Let us look at how […]

The Top Five Benefits of Email Marketing

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Email has been around for many years and yet it continues to be the prime mode of communication between businesses and customers. Despite the rise of social media channels, email remains one of the most profitable means of marketing. To back this up, Constant Contact shows how small businesses are utilizing it to their advantage. […]